Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Beginning (Part 1 of the Genie Chronicles)

To understand the tragedy that developed in the world of Golarion and its surrounding islands, we must first go years back, to the beginning of the end.

Long time ago in a small desert settlement who's name has been lost to time, on the south east of the great city Katheer, on the country of Qadira, in which only about three hundred individuals lived, together with genies. Genies are a humanoid race that came from different planes. There are the Djinis from the air planes, the Efreeti from the realms of fire, the Marids from the water, the Shaitan from the earth and the lesser genies without element, the Janni's.

In the small settlement there was a woman called Isabel whose beauty was so great that it could not even be compared to that of  the gods. Her long ginger her cascaded through her shoulders  down to her hips, her beautiful deep green eyes like never ending hills of grass, and  her skin soft, fair, and pale for someone who lives in the dessert. with this woman our story begins.

On a cold and dark dessert night, similar to any other night on the settlement Isabel was at home, staring out of her window, hoping for adventure whilst sitting on a small brown wooden desk filled with paper. She knew that it was all a dream leaving the settlement, but dreams was all she had.

This night was like any other night, uneventful. The settlement was so small that there was no night life to speak of. The people who lived here spent their days working in mines to find precious stones or helping out at the local school, or trading foods and wares at the small run down markets. It was no different for Isabel, she spent her days working at the local school helping the children learn and grow in hopes that unlike her they one day will be able to fulfill their dreams.

Looking out of the window at the dark dunes and familiar clay houses Isabel felt sadness, for her desire was not stay at the settlement but to travel the lands in search of treasure and adventure, she wanted to meet different people, races, and experience a lot of cultures, but she knew that the mission her family gave her to come and educate children at the settlement came first. With a sigh she stood up from her chair and walked out of the room to the kitchen to prepare some coffee for this seemed to be turning into a long night of grading papers and preparing for tomorrow's class.

The kitchen was modest to say the most. It was a very small room made out of clay to the left side of the wall there were a couple of hand made wooden cupboard filled with beautiful shiny plates, glassess and cutlery, they seemed to be too upper class for a home like this was, the cupboard itself was covered in dust and seemed like it was about to break down, a small clay table big enough for only two people was located in the middle of the room, and on the right side of the wall there was a rectangle made out of clay with a small hole in the middle in which fire was burning. She quickly got the pot and put it over the fire filling it with water to make coffee. Isabel hated this room, its dusty clay furniture, the crappy wooden table that was falling apart, and the poor ventilation, so poor that every time she cooked she needed to step outside constantly to breath fresh air. It was as that thought crossed her mind that she heard the bells.

The bells went DING - DONG, DING - DONG. the sound of the bells trembled through her body filling it with anguish, and despair, her insides felt like they were being stabbed by needles as she stood there in the room, she couldn't muster the will to move her feet.
                "the bells" she whispered

"there is an attack!"

As tears of fear fell down her cheeks Isabel ran into the room with her desk and papers and the only window in the house, only to confirm what she hoped was just a nightmare.

Fire filled the horizon as genies riding horses and running trolls came upon the settlement. She could see the clay houses around burning, friends being dragged out of their houses. Isabel instantly recognized Julius, his white hair and beard and raggedy brown robes, he was the headmaster of the school, and as he screamed and fought for freedom while three human looking genies dragged him out of his home into the dirt road where everyone was being taken to, and with a swing of a knife one of  the genies cut his throat and droped him on the floor to die. Isabel was left in shock after seeing such image for she had never seen anyone die before, at that moment her front door burst open.

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